Friday, October 25, 2013

Why Capitalism?

Someone asked me in my account: Why Capitalism? This is my answer.

Wow. Where should I begin? I'd have to write a whole book's-worth of words to explain the merits of Capitalism. But I'll try my best to give a summary. I guess I should start by defining Capitalism for what it truly is.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Individual and the Collective

            Ever since man has existed, the world has been rocked by an intellectual battle that has molded the very foundations of modern-day principles. A battle still fought even up to today, both in pen and in sword. Wars were ignited in the past, intellectual development was left stagnant for decades, and people were mandated to participate in mass genocide. And despite the many contradictions, both sides still believe they bested the other; although only one is truly on the path to prosperity. It is the battle between the person and the mob; between freedom and social slavery; between the individual and the collective.

Photos I've Taken During My Idleness

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The New Function of Meo Animus Website

            It has long since been noticeable to me that keeping one website to share everything that I like doing to be, well, insufficient. As some of you may notice, the tabs below the banner provide all kinds of links that are somewhat related to Meo Animus. It is now that I have finally decided to announce this.

Pardon The Profanity (Pre-Election Rant)

Let me begin by saying that I didn't have any sort of preparation when writing this. No outlines, you know—those nifty little things that many writers use when wanting to write stuff, the one where you put capital letters or roman numerals and then follow a topic sentence to it, and then topic points below it or subtopics, etc. You know what I’m talking about, I know you’re not stupid, or maybe you are. Anyway, you’re the only one who knows you better—or maybe not. Let me get back to what I’m talking about. Yeah, no outlines, no drafts, you know—that kind of crap, just good old cut-throat ranting.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Mover to be Continued

            As I mentioned in an announcement, I will no longer continue The Mover episodes, instead I will recreate it into one single short story. It also said that I would have finished it by the end of February, clearly this is not the case. I'm still struggling to create a new style of writing. I attempted once, but it took me three hours just to write a single paragraph, let alone a whole story. I wanted something that conveys emotion thoroughly and would last the entirety of the read, but it's proving to be very difficult. But I'm confident I will soon develop a writing style that I would like and would eventually use in the near future. All I need is practice, which I'm clearly lacking. I have many projects planned in my head since my idleness. I will announce it in the days ahead. But for now, this is all I can say. Thank you. I know I don't have many readers. I'm aiming to change that.